Am bucuria de a vă prezenta o melodie de excepţie a trupei Bella Morte. ,,Here with me'' este a patra melodie a albumului ,,Before The Flood'' ,album înregistrat de trupa Bella Morte în anul 2011.
,,Here with me'' este o piesă ce transmite vibraţia prin sensibilitatea şi originalitatea interpretării.Melodii ca ,,Death come near me''-Draconian, ,,A single white rose''-Human Drama sau ,,Here with me''-Bella Morte sunt mandria muzicii goth şi piese de referinţă pentru orice iubitor al acestui gen muzical.Sensibilitatea versurilor, vocea inconfundabilă a vocalului Andy Deane şi linia melodică recomandă o melodie ce după modesta mea părere va deveni . . .legendară.
,,Once more take my hand
Once more hear me cry
Please don't close your eyes
Please don't close your eyes
All alone watching an angel die
Her wings are torn away
And I don't know what is left when heaven melts into the sea
See the lights retire in the eyes of all I've waited for
Leaving everything bathed in dark
Once more feel my breath
And once more meet my gaze
Never close your eyes
Never close your eyes
Take my hand and die with me
Don't be scared, you're here with me
You were all, my everything
Take my hand and die with me''
Once more hear me cry
Please don't close your eyes
Please don't close your eyes
All alone watching an angel die
Her wings are torn away
And I don't know what is left when heaven melts into the sea
See the lights retire in the eyes of all I've waited for
Leaving everything bathed in dark
Once more feel my breath
And once more meet my gaze
Never close your eyes
Never close your eyes
Take my hand and die with me
Don't be scared, you're here with me
You were all, my everything
Take my hand and die with me''
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