,,Dargaard'' este o trupă austriacă adeptă a unui stil ce îmbină elementele de dark cu cele de gothic dar şi cu muzica medievală.Stilul lor este absolut original şi are un succes remarcabil atât în Europa cât şi în America de Nord. Aproape că nu există top de specialitate care să nu conţină măcar una din melodiile lor. Când spui neoclasic şi ambiental în muzica de astăzi este practic imposibil să nu te gândeşti şi la ,,Dargaard''.Formaţia are ca membri de bază pe Tharen şi Elisabeth Toriser. Albumele ,,Dargaard'' sunt:,,Eternity Rites''-1998, ,,In nomine Aeternitas''-2000, ,,The Disolution of Eternity''-2001, ,,Rise and Fall''-2004.
Cu voia dumneavoastră vă prezint melodia ,,The Infinite''.
,,Dargaard - The infinite
Which way is the right path
As I stand upon
This chaotic crossroad of hate...
How many ways
Are there to roam
On this dark and damned
Road of fate...
There are many ways my son,
To find where the souls
Of demons remain...
But it takes only one second
Of despair
And of doubt until at last,
Your soul they will gain...
Inherit these lands,
These things,
These dreams that are yours,
Forever to adore
For there is no life,
In the depths of chaos,
My son for you to explore.
There are many ways my son,
To find where the souls
Of demons remain...
But it takes only one second
Of despair and of doubt
Until at last,
Your soul they will gain...
Inherit these lands,
These things,
These dreams that are yours,
Forever to adore
For there is no life,
In the depths of chaos,
Which way is the right path
As I stand upon
This chaotic crossroad of hate...
How many ways
Are there to roam
On this dark and damned
Road of fate...
There are many ways my son,
To find where the souls
Of demons remain...
But it takes only one second
Of despair
And of doubt until at last,
Your soul they will gain...
Inherit these lands,
These things,
These dreams that are yours,
Forever to adore
For there is no life,
In the depths of chaos,
My son for you to explore.
There are many ways my son,
To find where the souls
Of demons remain...
But it takes only one second
Of despair and of doubt
Until at last,
Your soul they will gain...
Inherit these lands,
These things,
These dreams that are yours,
Forever to adore
For there is no life,
In the depths of chaos,
my son for you to explore
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